Baked Chicken Tenders
1 day ago
This blog is all about me, Lucy Kay. I'm growing up really quick and learning all sorts of new stuff that I, along with my parents, like to share on this blog. I have two younger brothers, Simon and Ian, who you will also hear about. Have a fun time reading all about me!
Lucy, you are so adorable! To your mommy and daddy. This story reminds us of not-so-long ago. (hehe) One of the many enjoyable moments you will have.
Love, God Bless you all,
Tish, Steve, Jeremiah, Benjamin, Jonathan, Elizabeth
You need to share this story with my dad! He is always half asleep when he feeds me in the middle of the night!
Good for you! Two points for the home team!
Your Friend,
Halle Ruth
Good going Lucy! You need to do that more often! You have to get your dad back for all the times that he drove me crazy!
Aunt Susie
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