Today a nurse came to visit from the Knox county health department. She is the one who refer's me to the help me grow program. She kept saying how suprised she was with me. She said she was expecting to find or see things in me because I have downs (she sees all the kids born with downs in the county and most the rest), but she said she found or saw very little she was expecting. I think she was actually taken off gaurd by how good I'm doing.
I've found in my first six weeks of life that I am suprising a lot of people. Just because I have 3 chromosones on my 21st set people expect me to be a certain way and they find out rather quickly that's not who I am. (For the record kids with 2 chromosones on their 21st set all turn out different from each other, so don't expect me to be the same as every other kid with my chomosonal pattern.) I'm not going to be what all the medical books say I'll be and I'm not going to fit everybody's preconcived notions of what I should look like and act like. I'm going to suprise the world with who I am and who I will become!
I'm a special unique creation of my Father in Heaven just like every other kid with downs or without.
Baked Chicken Tenders
1 day ago
Hello Lucy!
You were such a good little girl last night. Thanks for inviting nana and pawpaw to babysit while mommy and daddy went to the fair. Sorry we had to leave so early but pawpaw had to play softball. The team lost by 1 point but pawpaw had a good game. I think it was the little nap you two took!
Hope you have a good day!
We love you very much!
Nana and pawpaw
Welcome Lucy, Meralyse and I can hardly wait to meet you. As we have found out God gives extra special children to extra special parents. He knows that we will be loved unconditionally, just as he loves us unconditionally. But the best part is that extra special kids like you help Mommies and Daddies really learn to not sweat the small stuff and indeed to celebrate each small moment. You are a beautiful baby. We will continue to keep you in our prayers.
Kathryn and Meralyse
PS: Tell your mom I am really excited about teaching with her next year.
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