Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I love to dance. You can just ask any of my college roommates and they will have some insight on just how much I love to dance. One of my biggest regrets from growing up it that I never really pushed my parents for dance classes. Lucy seems to share the love of dance also and I'm so thankful that she is able to take dance classes. This is her second year and I've really seen her grow. Her favorite part is the recital. She loves the stage, the special treatment and the applause! Oh how she loves applause!
This year the class was more difficult and we had to practice at home. That mirror in the dance studio can be so distracting!

This is her performance: Hard to watch in and tape at the same time....

We were so thankful that my parents, sister and grandparents were able to be there. Kevin parents really wanted to come but were in Texas. Ian went to a friend's house.
I'm sure there are many more of these to come!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lost Tooth

I've got some make up post to complete: a lost tooth, dance recital, last day of school, vacation, and a birthday. We'll start off with the lost tooth (I'm avoiding unpacking!)

I was surprised that it happened I thought it would still be awhile before she lost her first tooth. She didn't get any until after she was one. We noticed it was loose and took its time before it fell out but we were all pretty excited when it finally did.
Since then, she has lost 2 more and her big girl teeth are making their way through. She barley had room in her mouth for her baby teeth I can only imagine what will happen has her big teeth come in. She will make some dentist a very wealthy person.
The third tooth was lost on our first week of vacation. I put it in a baggie and we kinda forgot about the whole tooth fairy thing and since she didn't bring it up I thought we would just let it slide. Last night we got home and as I was laying her down she asked for the tooth. I guess in her mind the tooth fairy could only come here to our house. She always amazes me at what she remembers. So this morning instead of her tooth she found a dollar. She asked if we could go to Taco Bell. "Just Mommy and Lucy. No Simon and Ian." I love my girl!!!