Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

There just something that I love about Valentine's Day. I think it goes back to my time as a classroom teacher. I loved the fact that everyone gave everyone a valentine, and families worked on boxes together. I love my kids with every fiber of my being and it's another day where I get to show them that I think they are special. And it doesn't come with all the baggage of Christmas: hype, materialism, and all the running around. It's a simple holiday and I love it!

This year I discovered that Walmart has photo vday cards. I got cards for Simon and Lucy for only $7.00. Lucy choose Tinkerbell and Simon choose Cars 2 (big surprise). Each card had a photo and a message. Easy. I know it would have been good to have them practice their name 20 some times but I went for the easy route since I didn't plan ahead as well. I did have them hand write all of their friend's names though. I decided to write each name in yellow marker and have them trace the letters. It worked pretty well.

That evening we had a little Valentines party with some friends. We had heart pizza and decorate your own cookies. It was perfect.

I was surprised on how easy it was to shape the pizza into a heart. I'm going to try some other shapes just for fun.

I can't wait until St. Patrick's Day!

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