Thursday, March 15, 2012

Escape Artist

Right now Lucy is still gated in her room at night. There are two reasons for this. 1- When she wakes up in the middle of the night..lets say 3 am. She begins her day. If she is out of her room she helps herself to breakfast and puts in a movie. 2- She could and would sneak out of the house.

Unfortunately the gate only seems to slow her down. We can no longer keep her book baskets or toy stroller in her room and I've had to put one of those mats that you put under rugs to keep them from slipping under her toy box. She would find a way to slowly push her full toy box across the room and use it or these other items to scale the gate. So we had gotten every thing out and used the mat under that toy box. Success!! Not so fast mom.

This is the gate. You step on the gray pedal to open. Lucy does not weigh enough to open the gate.

So this is what she discovered. If she takes a pillow from her bed and lays it on the pedal it increases the surface area enough that she is able to jump and get it to open.

Seriously!!! Although this is very frustrating because I want her to be safe. It is the part or her personality that I love! I love that she doesn't give up. I love that she can look at what she has and try to solve her own problems. I love her desire to be independent. I'm frustrated and proud all at the same time.

So these pillows can no longer be in her room at night. I'm sure this isn't the end.


Kelly said...

I don't know whether to say, "Go Lucy"! or "Sorry Mama". lol

Anonymous said...

What a girl! She is one determined young lady and I am so proud that she is so resourceful. Lucy-girl, you are amazing. Grammy loves your spunk. God has something great in store for you.