It really is my goal to post once a week but since I've failed there I'll just give a little summary of what we've been doing.
Last weekend we had a garage sale. I spent the beginning of the week cleaning out closets, under beds and in the attic. We had a room full of things to sale. It was time to let go of all of the baby stuff. I was only planning on having the sale on Saturday but when I saw my mounds of stuff I decided to extend it to Friday. I didn't want to bring any of it home. I tried to price the clothes very cheap so people would buy a lot. They did. Many walked away with a garbage bag full. There were moments that my heart hurt as I saw a little outfit go. They were buying some sweet memories. I saved just a few of my favorites and rested in the fact that we would make more memories.
Yesterday we made a trip to Children's for a rheumatology check up. The doctor was very pleased to see that Lucy is still having no signs of the JRA since we have decreased her meds. We were able to bring her dosage down even more. A few months ago we started at .3 and we are down to .15. We continue to pray that the JRA will continue to stay away and that we can get her off these meds. Thank you Grandma for watching Simon and Ian during our appointment.
In the evening we attempted to attend the Buddy Walk kick off meeting. It was not very successful. The kids were not up for sitting and listening. I know at some point in time things will start to get easier. We aren't there yet. Right now everything we do is so much work. We should have known better.
Today we have no appointments or places to be. Hopefully it will stay that way.
Today's goal... Get Buddy Walk "stuff" rolling.
Baked Chicken Tenders
1 day ago