Monday, November 28, 2005

Christmas is coming...

Mommy started decorating for Christmas and I was the first thing decorated. I'm just glad she didn't try to paint my nose red! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

this is absolutely the cutest picture ive ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!Lucy you are so cute!!!!This looks like a picture in a magazine!!Merry Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

Lucy, you are definitely the cutest reindeer that I've ever seen. Santa is very lucky to have you as a helper!


Aunt Susie

Anonymous said...

Lucy....I"ve heard such good things about you from your friend Madi's parents. I am Madi's grammie and found you from her blog. Your mommy may not remember me from Aug 4, 2001, but You sure are cute and I have prayed for you often. This a great picture you should always save. It definitely should be in a magazine. You are little "star" reindeer.