My daddy was out of the country for ten days touring Israel and when he came back home he said I changed so much. Here are some new things that I'm doing one week short of being ten months old:
-I army crawl everywhere and I even get up on my hands knees a lot, but I still haven't figured out how to move forward in that position.
-I turn the pages for mommy and daddy when they read me books. Sometimes this cuts daddy short in what he's reading me, but I just want to see what's on the next page.
-I clap my hands all the time.
-I can get myself into a sitting position with just the smallest amount of help.
-I'm finally holding a bottle all by myself. Mommy says I could have done it sooner, but since they would always do it for me I thought why bother?
-I'm able to crawl over pillows and legs. Now if I could just figure out how to get over those gates I would be free.
-Though I still look bald, I now have hair all over my head.
-And I've developed the cuttest laugh in the whole world, but mommy is the only one who can get it out of me so far.
I also wanted to say a quick shout out to all my friends at this church called Landing Place. Daddy and I still pray for you every morning when I have my first bottle.